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Seca Stadiometers, Height Rods and Infantometers Seca Medical Scales

Seca 213

Seca 213 Stadiometer

Seca 214

Seca 214 Height Rod

Seca 216

Seca 216 Height Rod

Seca 217

Seca 217 Stadiometer

Type Stadiometer Height Rod Height Rod Stadiometer



Measuring Range 18" - 81 "
(20-205 cm)
10" - 78 "
(25-200 cm)
(10-230 cm)
23-5/8" - 78-5/8"
(60-200 cm)
Graduation - 1/8" (1 mm) 1/8" (1 mm) -
Dimensions 337 mm x 2.130 mm x 590 mm 14" x 83-1/4" x 16-1/2" 4.7 W x 60 H x 8.5 D 30-7/8"H x 2-1/8"W x 11-1/4" D
Features completely portable, large floor plate ensures stability completely portable, disassembles in 4 pieces that are stored in the footplate built in leveling bubble, lock knob on headpiece, centimeters and inches completely portable, large floor plate ensures stability


Seca 220

Seca 220 Height Rod

Seca 222

Seca 222 Height Rod

Seca 416

Seca 416 Height Rod
Type Height Rod Height Rod Stadiometer Stadiometer Infantometer




Measuring Range 8" - 81"
(20-205 cm)
12" - 90-1/2"
(60-230 cm)
( 60-210 cm)
25" - 81-7/8"
(62-210 cm)
13 – 39 inches (33 – 100 cm)
Graduation 1/8" (1 mm) 1/8" (1 mm) 1/8" (1 mm) 1/8" (1 mm) 1/16"
Dimensions 328 mm x 2.145 mm x 574 mm 52-1/8"H x 11-1/4"W x 2-1/8"D 69-3/8"H x 6-3/8"W x 9-1/8"D 69-3/8"H x 6-3/8"W
x 9-1/8"D
1,105 x 165 x 402 mm
Features headpiece secured
at both sides for accuracy
includes foot plate for
stability, 4" head plate for accuracy
Wall mounted.
Easy to read
and use
No cables - data is transferred to
remote via radio waves
sturdy construction
For Phone Orders, call toll-free 888-337-4684 (Monday - Friday 9 am - 6 pm E.S.T)
All other inquiries, please phone 718-339-6212
FAX 718-336-5570

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