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Seca 222 Stadiometers - Wall Mounted Seca Medical Scales
Precise data acquisition is the basis of all work with patients. The height measuring rod Seca 222 therefore provides permanently reproducible results as it is made of hard-wearing hard aluminium or stable plastic. The abrasionproof measurement scale of this rod ensures that the result is easy to read in 1 mm increments even after frequent use.

Seca 222 stadiometers
Specially developed for wall mounting, this measuring rod is aligned to work exactly to the millimeter from head to toe. Its broad measuring slide and heel positioner are professional prerequisites. The telescopic measuring rod ensures that the result can be easily read at eye level even for the tallest patient. When not in use, the measuring slide can be folded down for safety.

Seca's full length wall-mounted stadiometers raise from floor length. Model 222 stadiometers are made of sturdy anodized aluminum and comes with a footplate for increased stability. We've incorporated an additional 4-inch head plate to ensure further accuracy. Since the Seca 222 telescopes up to eye level, readings will become easier.

Seca 222 Stadiometer

Price: $242.00

Compare all the Height Rods
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  • Measuring Range: 2 to 90 inches (6-230 cm)
  • Graduations: 1/8 in (1 mm)
  • Product Dimensions: 52-1/8" x 11-1/4" x 2-1/8"
  • Warranty: 1 year
  • Instruction manual

height rod mounted on scale
wall mounted stadiometer

For Phone Orders, call toll-free 888-337-4684 (Monday - Friday 9 am - 6 pm E.S.T)
All other inquiries, please phone 718-339-6212
FAX 718-336-5570

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