Why is it that you can eat exactly the same thing as someone in your family or friends and yet YOU gain 3 times more weight?
Understanding Heart Disease, What is a Heart Attack, What is Angina, What is Congestive Heart Failure, Understanding Cholesterol
Diet versus Diet, which one is best. Bio-Chemical Difference and General Eating Tips If you follow these tips you will begin to burn significant amounts of excess body.
Straight from the writings of Dr. Victor Frank, founder/creator of Total Body Modification, here are 78 reasons to avoid sugar.
We will attempt to answer these questions and help you understand why eating 5-8 servings per day of anti-oxidant rich fruits and vegetables can benefit your health.
Alcohol, or ethyl alcohol (ethanol), refers to the intoxicating ingredient found in wine, beer and hard liquor. How Alcohol Travels Through the Bod.
Asthma is a chronic lung disease characterized by chest tightness, shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing. With asthma, a blockage of airflow.
BMI (Body Mass Index) uses your height and weight values to determine whether you are at risk for weight-related health problems.
Body fat measurements and the measuring tape are recognized as superior methods for measuring "weight loss". When one declares that they want to "lose weight".
The National Cholesterol Education program recommends that everyone over the age of 20 be tested for cholesterol at least once every 5 years
You have to get those servings of fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy and proteins in every day but you don't have the time? Are you eating the same thing day after day?
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that is characterized by high blood glucose and either insufficient or ineffective insulin. 5.9% of the population in the US has diabetes.
Target Heart Rate Calculator , Do you find yourself making excuses Make sure you're performing exercises correctly for maximum results.
You want to eat healthier but you're not sure how to start? Are you eating too much processed food and ignoring natural, healthy foods?
Eating on the run doesn't have to be disastrous to your health. Though most fast foods are higher in fat, calories and sugar than home-prepared foods
The glycemic response of a food is a measure of the food's ability to elevate blood sugar. The glycemic response is influenced by the amount of food you eat.
The American Cancer Society is recommending that individuals eat more whole grains to lower their risk of cancer.
Are you working within your target heart rate zone? Your target heart rate zone (training zone) is the range between 60% and 80% of your maximum heart rate
Weight in pounds, based on ages 25-59 with the lowest mortality rate (indoor clothing weighing 3 pounds and shoes with 1" heels)
Blood pressure is the result of two forces: from the heart as it pumps blood into the arteries and throughout the circulatory system.
the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act went into effect. The USDA and the FDA designed the requirements so that consumers would have useful information.
If you're thinking about starting a fitness program, but need an extra "push" to get started, consider the following benefits
After smoking, weight-related conditions are the second leading cause of death in the USA resulting in many deaths a year
Try including some of the following "super foods" into your diet. Each food contains vitamins, nutrients and/or minerals
I began reading voraciously about diet, exercise and nutrition, and then I began putting the information to use.
Unlike protein, carbohydrates and fats, vitamins do not yield usable energy when broken down. They assist the enzymes that release energy from carbohydrates
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