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  Low Fat Cooking Tips

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You have to get those servings of fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy and proteins in every day but you don't have the time? Are you eating the same thing day after day? Variety is the "spice of life". Try these low fat cooking tips to liven up your eating and to keep you motivated to stay on your program.

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids And Your Heart. You've probably heard the research -- fish oils can lower blood cholesterol, and may lower blood pressure. Try this salmon dish to get a delicious dose of Omega-3's
  • The Versatile Potato Filling, loaded with energy-sustaining carbohydrates, and delicious. Try something new with the "versatile potato".
  • Chicken Breast, Again? Some quick ideas for transforming the common chicken breast into a work of art.
  • Giving spice to your vegetables
  • Great things to do with fruit
  • Lowering the fat in your cooking
  • More tips for healthy eating.

Readers, we are always looking for new ideas. If you have a low-fat recipe you'd like to share, please post in our Contact Us page. Thank you, and bon appetit!

omega 3 fatty acids and your healthOmega-3 Fatty Acids and Your Health - Grilled Salmon

While salmon is not the leanest fish, it does provide a generous dose of Omega 3 fatty acids that can benefit your health. This dish also includes olive oil and garlic -- two more powerhouses of sound nutrition.

Mince a few garlic cloves and place on a plate. Add salt, pepper, fresh lemon juice, and a dash of Nature's Seasonings�, Mrs. Dash� or your other favorite herbs. Pour a tablespoon or two of extra virgin olive oil atop and mix all together. Coat fresh, rinsed salmon steaks in the mixture, turning over and coating well with the mixture. Marinade 30 minutes or more in the refrigerator if desired. Grill or broil 3-5 minutes per side or until done.

For a truly heart-healthy meal, add a baked sweet potato and steamed broccoli. This is a delicious meal your body will thank you for!


chicken breast recipesChicken Breast, Again?

True, you can't beat the chicken breast for high-protein, low fat eating, but baked or grilled chicken breast day after day can get boring. Try the following chicken breast recipes for a change and transform the lowly chicken breast into a work of art:

  • Chicken Breast with Pasta and Broccoli - While your pasta is boiling, prepare the chicken and broccoli. Cut the broccoli into flowerets and microwave until just slightly underdone. Meanwhile, mince up a couple of garlic cloves, cut the breast(s) into chunks and brown both together slightly in a skillet that has been sprayed with cooking spray. When almost done, add about 1/4 cup of chicken broth and the partially cooked broccoli. Toss together with the pasta and some parmesan cheese. Its quick, filling, loaded with protein and carbohydrates, and very good-tasting.
  • Chicken Breast with Pineapple - Cut the chicken breast into chunks and brown slightly in a skillet coated with cooking oil spray. Add crushed garlic, soy sauce, a pinch of ginger, and a small can of pineapple chunks, then cover and simmer until almost done. In the last three minutes of cooking, throw in some fresh snow peas and toss all together until the snow peas are crisp-tender. Serve over rice for a beautiful, healthy and delicious low-fat meal.
  • Quick Wedding Soup with Chicken Breast - Make a chicken stock by simmering a couple of chicken breasts with some scraped carrots, an onion and a few celery stalks. Place all in a pot, add water to cover, and bring to a boil. Once the stock boils, reduce the heat, cover the pot and simmer for 45-60 minutes. When done, remove the vegetables and chicken from the pot, reserving the stock. Shred the chicken and put back in the stock along with some frozen carrot slices, sliced fresh mushrooms, and some shredded spinach or escarole. Cook until all are heated through. Add salt and pepper to taste and top each serving with parmesan or romano cheese. Bellisimo!


vegetables and healthSpicing up your vegetables

  • Plain, microwaved broccoli again? You know vegetables and health go side by side, so try something new! Try tossing in a bit of non-fat or low fat Italian salad dressing first for a tangy flavor. While you're at it, throw in some cauliflower for color!
  • To get your vegetable servings in when you're rushed for time, try this: Saut� a some frozen, mixed stir-fry vegetables in a bit of chicken broth. When they're completely thawed and warm to the touch, stir in some prepared, low fat stir-fry sauce. Toss until heated through. This is wonderful over rice or by itself. And it's finished in minutes.
  • Microwaved sweet potatoes are quick, nutritious, filling, and tasty. For added flavor, after microwaving, slice in half lengthwise, then drizzle honey over and add a dash of cinnamon and/or nutmeg.
  • Saut� fresh or frozen snow peas with fresh sliced mushrooms in chicken broth. Very colorful, very quick, very low fat and very delicious.
  • Make a fresh salsa! Dice a red onion, a green, red or yellow bell pepper, a tomato, and a jalapeno or two. Add some red wine vinegar and a pinch of cilantro. Refrigerate for a couple hours so the flavors blend. This is a fabulous condiment to use over baked fish or chicken. Try it over a EggBeaters� omelet. Or spread a toasted bagel half with low fat cream cheese and a dollop of salsa. It will last a couple of days in the refrigerator and it's just the thing to add flavor to an otherwise "boring" meal.


great fruit ideasGreat things to do with fruit

  • Combine strawberries and blueberries with a scoop of low fat or fat-free cottage cheese for a filling, yet light snack. Stir in some unsweetened applesauce for a tangy flavor. The cottage cheese is loaded with protein and the combination of berries and applesauce is delightful.
  • Saut� sliced peaches, nectarine, apples and/or bananas in a nonstick skillet with a drop of vanilla and a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg for a change of pace. Add a few drops of orange or pineapple juice for extra flavor.
  • As soon as you get home from your grocer's, wash your blueberries, strawberries or other fruits and put them in a bowl in the refrigerator. Grab them for a snack during the day, or sprinkle them on your cereal in the morning. When you're hungry during the day, or busy in the morning, you're much less likely to take the time to wash and prepare them. So keep your fruits (and vegies) clean and accessible.
  • Broil bananas halves after sprinkling with cinnamon.
  • Tired of green salads for dinner? Try a fruit salad for a change of pace. Cut up some honeydew melon, cantaloupe and watermelon then throw in some grapes, raisins and orange sections. Sprinkle with orange or lemon juice for a refreshing change.


lowering fat in your cookingLowering the Fat in Your Cooking

  • Learn to love cooking spray. Use Pam� or other vegetable cooking sprays in place of oil whenever possible. A light mist is all you need to keep foods from sticking. Several brands have now added canola and olive oil sprays that add a slight flavor to your foods.
  • Stir-fry your vegetables in broth. Chicken, beef or vegetable broth give your vegetables a great flavor, and using broth instead of oil really cuts down on the fat.
  • Boil, Broil or Bake instead of frying!
  • Always remove the skin from your poultry and trim the fat from your meats.
  • Leaner meats are often "tougher" than fattier cuts. Use marinades to tenderize your flank steaks. Red wine vinegar, soy sauce, crushed garlic, lime and fresh ginger make a fabulous marinade. Just put a trimmed flank steak in a zipper bag, add the marinade, then keep in your refrigerator for a few hours. Broil or grill for a delicious addition to your table.


tips for healthy eatingMore tips for Healthy Eating

  • Always keep a bottle of water with you. Fill a giant sports bottle with water in the morning, toss in some ice cubes, and sip on it all day. It will help with digestion, keep your skin clear, and keep you hydrated. Remember, drinking 8-10 glasses of fresh water each day is one of the best things you can do for your body.

  • Always have something healthy to eat nearby. When you leave in the morning, take a bagel with you, or keep low fat snacks in the car. Make sure you eat every 3-4 hours. Don't wait until you've got a headache and you're ravenous. By then you are sure to make unhealthy choices.

  • Try some Green Tea. Several studies have shown that drinking Green Tea may help prevent some types of cancers. So try replacing a cup of coffee a day with a relaxing cup of Green Tea. While your at it, add some fresh lemon juice to get in a mini-dose of vitamin C!


potato recipesThe Versatile Potato

  • Low fat Scalloped Potatoes? Sure, just modify the ingredients. Scrape four potatoes, then slice very thin. Slice an onion into thin rings. Spray a 9" x 9" glass pan with Pam�. Layer 1/3 of the potato slices on the bottom. Top with 1/2 the onion slices. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and about 1 Tablespoon flour. Repeat, then finish with the last 1/3 of the potato slices. Pour about 1/2 C skim milk over the top. Top with 1/4 Cup Low fat or nonfat cheddar cheese. Cover with foil and bake about 35-40 minutes at 375�. A terrific change of pace!

  • Everyone loves twice-baked potatoes, so try this low-fat version for a change. Bake four potatoes until done (450� for about 50-60 minutes--test for tenderness with a fork). Let cool slightly then slice in half lengthwise. Scrape out the pulp with a spoon, leaving the skins intact. Mix the pulp with skim milk, salt and pepper, and Butter Buds�. Scoop the pulp back into the skins and broil about 1-2 minutes until the top is golden brown. Variations: add nonfat or Low fat sour cream or cheddar cheese to the mix.

  • Baked Potato Slices with Rosemary and Garlic. Slice four potatoes into medium-thin wedges. In a mixing bowl, mix together 1 tablespoon olive oil and 3 tablespoons water. Add 1 tablespoon rosemary, 1/2 teaspoon paprika, 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder, Butter Buds�, salt and pepper. Toss potatoes in mixture, then place in a single layer on a baking sheet sprayed with Pam�. Bake 400� for 40-45 minutes or until done. If desired, omit garlic powder, and add 1-2 cloves minced fresh garlic. Like French Fries, only better!

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