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Seca 813 Robusta High Capacity Digital Floor Scale Seca Medical Scales
Take a look at the extra-wide weighing platform. Even very big people can stand here safely and securely. People of larger girth too can be accommodated. Our intention is to lighten the task for weighty people.

Seca 813 Robusta High Capacity Digital Floor Scale

Seca 813 Robusta High Capacity
Digital Floor Scale

Price: $132.00

Shipping Wt: 12 lbs

More and more people weigh more and more. Now there‘s a scale for their special requirements. The Seca 813 Robusta high capacity digital scale easily accommodates up to 440 pounds on the extra-wide platform covered with soft, yet robust rubber. This scale takes heavyweights lightly. It‘s also light work to step onto this scale, which has a very flat design.

Seca 813 Robusta High Capacity Digital Floor Scale

  • Capacity: 440 lbs (200 kg)
  • Graduation: 0.2 lbs (100 g)
  • Dimensions: 433 x 47 x 373
  • Battery operated
  • Extra wide, comfortable platform
  • Non-slip rubber base for safety and comfort during measurement
  • Solid steel frame for persons up to 440 pounds
  • Large, easy to read LCD display
  • Step off function for weighing without switching on scales
  • Highest precision
  • Instruction manual

Seca 813 Robusta High Capacity Digital Floor ScaleWith the digital floor scale Seca Robusta 813, Seca, the world market leader for medical weighing systems, has developed a solution which meets the highest demands as regards comfort, stability and precision. It is therefore not only the ideal scale for controlling weight in the medical sector (when no calibration is required) but also for controlling one’s weight at home.

Extra wide platform: The generously sized platform with the extremely robust steel construction is extremely flat and thus easy to mount even if one is handicapped. The non-slip rubber feet and the soft, pimpled surface make the platform safe and comfortable to use.

High capacity: Even under extreme loads, the Seca Robusta 813 with its capacity of up to 200 kg shows the precise weight in 100 g steps.

Step-off function: For precise results: With the step-off function, the scale is automatically reset to zero at every step, taking changes in the environment into account. When stepping down off the platform, the precise weight is automatically shown on the display.

Highest precision: Seca has always attached great importance to people’s health. As the world market leader in the medical weighing sector, Seca therefore also offers scales for the private sector, scales which meet highest demands as regards precision, quality and comfort.

The Seca 813 is well-suited for fitness centers und private households.

For Phone Orders, call toll-free 888-337-4684 (Monday - Friday 9 am - 6 pm E.S.T)
All other inquiries, please phone 718-339-6212
FAX 718-336-5570

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