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Seca 803 Digital Bathroom Scales Seca Medical Scales
First take a look at the clear design and then at the finishing: even our simplest scale is complex in its design and robust in its construction. It gives even people who weigh up to 150 kilograms safe footing.

Seca 803 digital scale White
White Mat
Seca 803 digital scale Black
Black Mat

From the global market leader for medical weighing and measuring with more than 165 years of experience, Seca brings you the Seca 803 -- an affordable, digital weighing scale.

You‘ll be impressed by the Seca 803s classic design and its surface gleaming with high-quality materials. The
high-quality rubber coating consists of a special combination of two components which lends softness and solidity. The material can stand up to all commercially
available cleaning and disinfecting products.

Whether black or white, whether for professional or private use, this Seca starter scale satisfi es the highest demands made by private persons and anyone who appreciates high-quality workmanship. The Seca 803 has
its strengths on the outside as well as the inside. Underneath the weighing platform you‘ll see longitudinal and cross braces set one centimeter apart, giving the scale unparalleled stability.

Thanks to its low tare weight of only 1.4 kilograms and the handle built onto the back, the scale is easy to carry,
making it suitable for users on the move. Viewing the measurements is just as easy from the unconventionally big display with 28-millimeter high figures. Seca cuts no corners even with their lowest-priced scale.

  • Capacity: 330 lbs / 150 kg / 23 sts
  • Graduations: 0.2 lbs / 100 g
  • Two-component rubber coating for safe, comfortable footing.
  • Four stable, slip resistant rubber feet
  • 28-millimeter LCD figures for easy reading.
  • Dimensions scale (WxHxD): 315 x 35 x 325 mm
  • Functions: Auto-HOLD, automatic switch-off
  • Includes: Seca 803 scale, 4 AAA batteries and 4 extension feet for use on carpets
  • Instruction manual
Seca 803 digital scale
Seca 803 Digital Bathroom Scales

Price: $75.00

Mat Color:

Optional accessory

Seca 421 Carrying Case Seca 421 Carrying Case, Add $85.00

Shipping Wt: 10 lbs

For Phone Orders, call toll-free 888-337-4684 (Monday - Friday 9 am - 6 pm E.S.T)
All other inquiries, please phone 718-339-6212
FAX 718-336-5570

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