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Seca 763 Digital Medical Scales with BMI Seca Medical Scales
With the innovative, electronic measuring station seca 763, both the height and weight of a patient can be ascertained in just one step.
Seca 763 Digital Medical Scale , BMI Scale

Seca 763 Scale

Price: $899.00

FREE UPS Ground Shipping
(within the 48 continental US States)

Shipping Wt: 80 lbs

Optional accessories

Seca 400 AC adapter Seca 400 AC adapter, Add $59.95

Digital weighing and measuring station with automatic BMI calculation

Seca 763 Digital Medical Scale , BMI ScaleWith the new Seca 763 medical scale, both the weight and the height of the patient can be determined digitally in one simple step. On the basis of the masured values, the patient's body mass index (BMI) is calculated automatically in accordance with the recognized criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO). This is of considerable advantage in the fields of general medicine, nephrology, endocrinology and internal medicine.

The combination of digital scale and digital measuring rod makes it possible to determine the nutritional condition in just one time-saving step. At the touch of a button, the Seca 763 determines the BMI value on the basis of height and weight. This value is a reliable indicator of, for example, when a person is abnormally overweight.

The Seca 763 medical scale is intuitive, and therefore, easy to use. The patient's weight appears on one LCD display - the patient's height on another. The BMI value can then be called up at the touch of a button.

With a capacity of 550 lbs and a robust, cast-iron base, the Seca 763 medical scale is also ideal for overweight patients. An additional benefit is the large but low level platform. The ribbed rubber mat gives the patient a secure footing.

Seca 763 Digital Medical Scale , BMI ScaleIn spite of it's sturdy construction, the weight and measuring station is extremely mobile; the casters integrated in the base makes the scale easy to transport. It's adjustable leveling feet ensure that the scale stands securely at its new location, even if the floor surface is uneven.

  • Seca 763 Digital Medical Scale , BMI ScaleDetermines weight, height and BMI electronically in one single step
  • High 550 pound capacity (250 kg)
  • Readability in 0.1 lb (50 g) increments
  • Pounds / kilograms switchable
  • Measuring rod measures from 4.5 to 8 feet in 1/4 inch (1 mm) increments
  • Seca 763 Digital Medical Scale , BMI ScaleGenerous 14 x 14 x 3.5 inch platform
  • Tare, Weight Hold and auto-BMI functions
  • Mobile with transport casters
  • Low platform makes it easy for elderly and unstable patients to stand on scale
  • Results are easy to read on LCD display
  • Easy to operate and read
  • Dimensions: 14 x 52 x 27 inches
  • Power Supply: AC Adapter
  • 1 year warranty
  • Instruction manual


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